WORK to replace the roof of Malvern's Christ Church is progressing well, it has been confirmed.

Re-roofing work on the church's highest roofs, the Nave, has now been completed and workers are now moving onto the Chancel, Vestry and Lady Chapel roofs.

Once that is completed, they will move onto re-roofing the side aisles and the lower porch. Once all work has been completed, medial work will have to be carried out interior plasterwork on the inside of the side aisles roofs.

It is hoped the work will be finished by mid-December, however Canon Harold Goddard has confirmed that the cross over the main porch is loose and needs to be re-fixed.

To complete all the work on the Victorian church, in Avenue Road, £223,000 has had to be obtained- although much of this has been covered by grants.

However, £30,000 is still needed to cover all costs and the church is still continuing with its appeal for sponsorship, which sees people able to sponsor a tile in the name of a loved one.

Harold Goddard said: "Please continue to support this Tile to Remember Appeal as we strive to preserve it.

"If you have family members who were baptised at Christ Church; worshipped at Christ Church; were married at Christ Church; or had their funeral services at Christ Church, then please remember them by donating to this appeal. Their names can be written on the underside of a tile you have donated.

"Although the work will be completed, the fund-raising will still continue as we strive to raise the last few thousand pounds."

So far more than £4,000 has been raised through the appeal.

The church's new website is now live, which includes information on the appeal and a virtual tour of the inside of the church, and can be visited at

If you would like to sponsor a tile fill out the form and return it to the church.