A CONTROVERSIAL application to build houses in Alfrick, which was refused permission by Malvern Hills District Council earlier this year, is now going to appeal.

The plan, to build 21 houses on land at Clay Green Farm, owned by former council leader David Hughes, was thrown out at a meeting of the council's planning committee at a meeting in February.

Now the applicant, Greenlight Developments, has lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate against the refusal, specifically requesting a public hearing.

Alfrick and Leigh councillor Sarah Rouse said: "It's very disappointing that this has gone to appeal, after the local people made clear what they felt about in, and the district council turned it down, but I'm not surprised, as ultimately it's all about the money."

She said that the parish council and the residents groups will be joining forces to oppose the appeal, and she will be assisting bthem in any way she can.

Mr Hughes could not be contacted by the Gazette yesterday.