A Malvern woman will attempt to climb Africa's highest mountain to help children who are living in a third world country.

Francesca Coventry is aiming to conquer Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro, with the money she raises in the process going toward child development programmes in Tanzania, a country in the east of the continent.

The former Chase High School and Malvern St James pupil will be working with charity Hope for Children- which focuses on livelihoods, health, rights and education of children- and is raising money for the charity's education programmes specifically.

Miss Coventry is originally from Guatemala, and says her insight into the Central American country makes her realise just how important education is.

The 20 year-old, who moved to England aged five months old and lived in Northamptonshire before coming to Malvern, said: "I am most passionate about helping with education, because I am so very grateful for mine.

"Perhaps being adopted from Guatemala makes me value it even more, and has made me realise how important a good education is.

"It is invaluable to all children since it provides choices and options, and allows them to gain so much more from life.

"Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro won’t be at all easy for me but I enjoy a challenge and will see it through, because I really want to give something important to those who are less fortunate.

"I've been preparing for it as much as I can, but its definitely going to be tough. It's a bit different to going up the Malvern Hills."

To get in shape Miss Coventry, who is a second-year Food Science and Nutrition student at the University of Surrey, has been going to the gym regularly, running and utilising the Malvern Hills when she's home.

She is due to fly out on September 3rd, and will have six days to climb the mountain, which stands around 6,000 metres tall.

Before her charity effort gets underway, she will also engage in a number of community projects within several villages in Tanzania.

Through sponsored back packs at supermarkets, cake sales and street collections, Miss Coventry has raised £1,500 of her £2,000 target before she jets off.

She must raise this amount of money as despite the fact she is undertaking the challenge alongside the charity, all participants must fund their own adventure.

Ultimately, she must raise £2,900 by October 6th, but money can be donated after she returns to English shores.

To donate to her cause, visit 2015surrey.everydayhero.com/uk/francesca-coventry

For more information on the charity, go to http://hope-for-children.org