A CELEBRATION of creativity will come to the Blue Ginger Gallery at Cradley, with an attraction called "The Marvellous Marquee of Making".

A marquee borrowed from the scouts will house demonstrations and workshops and entertainments, from storytelling to batik painting, from fabric dying to print making.

Blue Ginger owner, Sue Lim said: "Come and join in the fun by taking part or coming to see some of the demonstrators and workshops being held in a magnificent marquee.

"It sounds as if the weather is going to be summery for the week, so come and spend a while in the garden, eat cake, drink tea and meet friends."

The event kicks off with a chance to learn the basics of decoupage picture framing, with Jo Verity.

And there will be Saturday evening storytelling with Jack Beaumont, which will include tales of golden eggs, wicked wolves and light-fingered hares.

Sue said: "Jack performs in pubs and clubs, and now for the first time at Blue-Ginger. The stories are inextricably woven around his wonderful painted and gilded boxes and wall pieces".

Mr Beaumont believes that "narrative surrounds us: heroes and villains, love and loss, myth and reality".

He added: "I want to reconnect the listener and the words. That’s why I perform the stories that inhabit my work and images for adult audiences - storytelling is not just for children!"

Other attractions during the celebration will include ‘Batik for the Terrified’ with Marie Therese King, and . Hannah Willow will lead a two day silver jewellery workshop, inspired by myth, legend , leaping hares, magical moons and ancient runes.

Visitors will be able to learn how to professionally thread beads, pearls and semi precious stones with Janis Waldron, and Kathleen Murphy will lead a textile Woodland Creature workshop, while Karin Lillamy will offer instruction with a felted animal workshop.

Jitka Nespor will be taking her workshop participants to scour the hedgerows in search of the plants and flowers for her natural fabric dying workshop.

Glasgow-based Print maker Louise Scott will demonstrate copper etching and toymaker Gabriel Pfeiffer will be in the Marquee for several days, demonstrating how he makes his unique bird boxes and toys.

There will also be an exhibition by printmakers Louise Scott, Tony Muckle, Lucy Gell and Marie Therese King.

The event kicks off on Saturday, July 4 and will run until July 12.

Further details on the gallery events page at www.blue-ginger.com