A MALVERN man has been charged with stealing a Land Rover from a house in the town and two other offences following a chase in Birmingham.

The house in Somers Road was broken into in the early hours of Good Friday, April 3, and a number of Easter eggs were stolen, along with keys to a blue Land Rover Discovery, which was also taken.

Later the same day the vehicle was spotted in Livery Street, Birmingham, by officers with the Central Motorway Policing Group, who gave chase.

A police spokesman said during the brief chase the Land Rover was driven the wrong way down a one-way street and crashed through locked electronic gates. The 31-year-old driver attempted to escape on foot but was caught and arrested.

He has since been charged with burglary, theft of a motor vehicle and aggravated vehicle taking and has been remanded in custody to appear at Worcester Magistrates Court on Easter Monday, April 6.