SOME unusual gifts and promises have already been pledged for the auction in aid of the church organ fund on May 11. They range from a session in a recording studio, mah-jong lessons and holiday pet sitting, meals in and meals out and even three hours' weeding in the garden. The organisers are still hoping for further items, which need not be exotic or expensive; jumble sale type items such as home produce, jams, flowers and plants will be also gratefully received.

On Friday, May 18, at 7.30pm, there will be a recital in St James's Church by organist John Wilderspin, who is involved with Worcester Cathedral Voluntary Choir and was formerly organist at St Matthias' Church.

Winning entries for Rosemary's quiz have been announced. First was Tony and Diana Hughes, with a dizzying 177 correct answers out of 180. Second was Jackie Gribble, with Janet Burley third. The consolation prize for also-rans went to Jim and Jenny Nisbets. A list of answers is on display in the church.

WAMDRAM's performances of the cricketing comedy Outside Edge continue tonight (Friday) and tomorrow at 7.45pm. Tickets are £5 from Sue or David Matthews on 567328.

A blue tide is already creeping over the West Malvern bluebell field opposite Old Hollow, as the flowers start opening. Like everything else this season, much earlier than usual. The next week or two will see the show at its best. An extra good display is hoped for, as the parish council had the less steep parts of the field mown late last summer to break up the bracken thatch that accumulated over several years. The heavy snowfall in late February also helped to break up the dead bracken on the steeper unmown slopes, which should allow the bluebells to be better seen.